Saturday, January 23, 2010

New Banner + Some Hating (just sayin')

So first off, I gotta thank my boy Chris for the awesome banner. I asked him to make one for me and he delivered a bear (at instant speed!). The pic is basically a bear (me) firing off some huge fire imitating the card Char. Just for your reference, that link to the pic of me is NOT actually me. It's some random pic of a dude that Alex found long time ago but just so happens to look EXACTLY like me. Seriously, that guy is like my eternal lost twin, if only I could find him one day........ Anyways, thanks Chris.

I know some people take offense when you diss' their heritage, ethnicity, race, culture, who gives a fuck. And if you do, its koo, we get it. Its just that when you get a group of asians talking about that shit, racism just blurts out and who knows more about dissing a race (or w/e u wanna call it) than your own race. Come on, a lot of people feel me on this. You know the most shit and can talk the most shit about your own people cause you just seen and experienced all the bad shit they can offer. When I talk about Koreans, I don't try to be all protective and shit, I just straight up say that a lot of us are angry douche bags who think there hawt shit 24/7. I'm not saying everyone is like that, but no point in hiding that some of them are. I remember my friend David going nuts like free style rap about all the bad shit viets do and how shady they are at times and I laughed for a good 5 mins listening to that shit. No shame, he's just letting the truth flow like a river. Filipinos get bashed on for living with 15 family members in one house and calling themselves FLIP aka Fine Looking Island People (lmao I saw a sticker on a car that said that once). I can keep this shit for a hour talking about Japanese, Chinese or Taiwanese to all you fuckers who take offense if I don't call you that, etc. but you get the point. But in the end, we are all just joking and none us are racist (I hope) so don't take any offense to this post or if you see me start saying shit that offends you.

(Hell even WoW developers are racist)

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