Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rain(ism) in So-cal / O or D

So it's been raining a lot these past few days in so-cal (not the hot ninja kind) and it kind of sucks. I don't mind rain all that much, I was just bummed out that our usual Sunday b-ball session was pretty much canceled, we played like 30 minutes when it was sprinkling till it started getting dangerously slippery so we left the courts.

Are u a offense person or defense person. Everyone usually has a preference or a play style they prefer that they established usually by gaming or sports. Yes, some people claim to be both which is possible but only few are capable of doing both very successfully. If you don't know which one your prefer or tend to do, its quite easy to figure out. When your playing basketball, do you take pride in your ability to score (ball hog) or take pride in your ability to contest / block shots and come up with steals. When your playing fighting games, do you tend to be on the aggressive by always attacking and applying block strings to put fear into your opponents or do you find your self turtling and only attacking when the opportunity looks favorable. Do you find your self in love with Lacerator or Hatchling when drafting Zendikar. There are other simple questions you can probably ask yourself but you get the point.

There is no shame in which you prefer O or D. It's up to you whether you like attacking or defending/blocking. Now some formats / games tend to favor one over the other but it doesn't mean you can't succeed in winning. Personally, I think I am one of those people who like to do both (pretty shitty at both) even though I think if I had to lean towards one, its D. I find myself playing defensive in a lot of games at times even though I try to mix it up once in a while (and fail). Although, if your watching any sort of game, watching someone being offensive is way more entertaining to watch. I'll probably go more in-depth into this someday after I get some input from real people or something but bye (x3) for now.

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