Saturday, January 16, 2010

Utilizing the Sack

Sacking - in the act of performing the "sack"

Not everyone has the same luck. Some people just seem to have the most of it while some people can't even catch a break after a string of bad luck. Still, eventually everyone is bound to get lucky at some point and when you do finally "sack", you must learn to get maximum value out of it.

There are many different options when you are presented with a "sack" moment. Sometimes the path is clear cut for you and you only have one choice left when you are presented with the perfect scenario or the perfect card (magic or poker). Sometimes you have multiple options (nine to be exact) and have to figure out a way to get the most of it. Whether it be in poker where you maximize your profits or magic where you maximize the tempo or card advantage to win the match. Keep in mind there are a lot more ways than just poker or magic where you must get full value out of a "sack" scenario. Regardless of the situation you found yourself, you must always keep in mind that you MUST PLAY TO YOUR OUTS. You have to set your self up so that if you do get lucky, you can use it to your benefit or you are just wasting the good fortune you happen to stumble upon.

Now I will give some examples and explain how these people utilize their innate "sackness".

Example #1 Poker (LOL @ the other players faces at the end)

This is what you DON'T want to do. The chance of hitting a set with a pocket pair in your hand is 13% so it's pretty sack when you do but Tilly did not utilize the situation at all. Yes there is a chance that Antonius might of just folded if she bet again on the turn, but we will never know cause Tilly was too scared to bet even though she ended up with a monster hand. You must learn to get full value and not waste these precious moments, especially versus superior opponents. When playing a adversary of superior caliber, it is much more difficult to win cause they are just straight up better than you. That doesn't however mean you lost the battle. You can always sack yourself out of many situations and win. In short, don't forget to maximize your sack, especially when you gain the edge over a better player.

Example #2 Magic (No Mike Flores, you do NOT Char the Hand of Cruelty)

This is a prime example of how he played to his outs and set himself to win. This match is from Pro Tour Honolulu in 06' where Craig Jones (England) beat Oliver Ruel (France) in the final game 5 of the semifinals to move on to the finals where he ultimately lost to Mark Herberholz (USA). Craig knew that he had to Char Ruel's face in order to play to his outs and win. He had 3 Chars left in his deck and 4 Lighting Helix. A Char would kill them both and they would draw game 5 and play a game 6, or he could draw a Helix and just kill him and win. He only had one turn to live because the next turn Oli would attack for lethal and kill Craig. Craig knew he had to call upon the "Sack Goddess" to draw a helix, but somehow he did, probably cause Oli said "smash it smash it". But hey, he won the match along with a extra 8 grand for his victory (2nd place) thus earning himself the "Topdeck of the Century" title.

I actually recently got myself out a speeding ticket (total sack) like 2 weeks back. I was coming home from Bryan's after a CvS2 session and I was on 91 West to 5 North merger. After I was on the 5 for like 5 seconds, I get pulled over for speeding. After I lower the window, the cop gets like 2 inches from my face to smell alcohol. I wasn't drinking so obviously I didn't smell like alcohol. After reading my driver license, and asking why I was speeding (I told him I was tired and was just on my way home), he let me go and I said thank you like 10 times. Keep in mind it was little bit past 2 and cops are out everywhere trying to look for drunk people driving home from bars and shit. By not drinking that night and driving home during the prime time when cops are out looking for DUI's, I set my self up to play to my outs and get away from a speeding ticket.

Yea, I'm full of shit......

Random Vid, you have to watch

Folgers Christmas Commercial

(Incest anyone???)

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