Friday, January 15, 2010

Driving in LA / Fail Manga(s)

Like most of you know, I live in LA. No you don't have to drive super aggressive to get anywhere in LA or anything. Although there are a lot more assholes on the road than probably Irvine or something. So I was driving down Wilshire Blvd to get to my destination and as I'm going down, some mother fucker cuts me off. Yea, people do that shit and all you can do is say "mother fucken cunt" and let it go. What piss me off about this a-hole was the fact that he had one of those, "Baby on Board" yellow warning sign shits on the back of his car. Yea dude, thx for cutting me off so I can nearly rear end you and possibly injure you kid on accident in the process, thx brah. Now I don't know if his kid was in the car or not, but man, what a douche bag. Cutting me off while sporting that sign is like someone who belongs in PETA and is seen eating at a all you can eat bbq. Ok I am just over reacting and I am not some psycho freak, jeez you guys judge quick.

(Ah yes, looking at the former Batgirl makes me wanna go vegetarian, no not really).

Yes I read Naruto and Bleach. No that does not make me a narutard and no I do not call my fantasy basketball team - Team Bankai. Ah Dirk, please do a German Bankai and give me 40 points / 15 boards (sorry sam). Anyways, no disrespect to the authors, but man, those two series have been shitty for a long time now, I'm sorry. Yes I know I can just stop reading if I consider them terribad, but I did enjoy the series at one point, so I just keep reading probably in hopes that it becomes good again one day (right....). I do however enjoy reading some other series like One Piece, Bakuman, and Beelzebub. Maybe I'll write about that some other time.

NBA update - the Cavs lose in Salt Lake City to the Jazz in a close one. Final score was 97-96 with the game winning shot coming from D-Leaguer Sundiata Gaines. He was signed to a 10 day contract and man, I guess he was worth it. Knocking down a clutch 3 at the buzzer to win at home in front of all them morons, I mean Mormons at Energy Solutions Arena. Props to Kyle Korver for that base line jumper when he was going out of bounds with like 10 seconds left. Also props to my man (crush) - King James for his valiant effort towards the end, especially that missed FT that he got back somehow and sank that 3. Than coming down the court next possession to sink another 3. Thought Jazz was done at that point, good comeback. I'll finish this off with a "FACIAL".