Thursday, December 8, 2011


I don't know if you heard the news about the NBA but the fucken League aka. the mother fucken emperor David Stern, veto the trade that Lakers made for CP3 today. I don't understand how they are able to do this. I have so many questions but no answers.

The trade was suppose to be Odom and Gasol for CP3 to Lakers. Rockets would get Gasol and give up Martin and Scola to Hornets and Odom would go there too. But the owners bitched and got Stern to veto it cause the league currently owns the Hornets. Then they said they did it for "basketball reasons". Man, WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN. SERIOUSLY. The trade is too unfair for who? It's not like we're getting Chris Paul for free.....(not like we did Pau). We are giving up legitimate players for him. ALSO, if it is unfair...why don't you tell us to fix it or something instead of vetoing the trade. Also, doesn't some of these owners want Chris Paul for their team when they bitched about it being unfair. I have no proof but seems shady for owners to vote on trades when they still have deals to do during the free agency. Maybe they wanna sell the team with a Chris Paul package. NEWS FLASH MOTHER FUCKERS, he told the guys upstairs that he will not sign a extension with them this week. He was going to leave anyways but nope, we got STERN'D THE FUCK OUT. This is very upsetting and with so many questions and no answers, I am just in total disbelief.

Maybe I should give Stern more credit, he does have a big decision to make on whether to uphold this total bullshit call or work something out. I don't man, this is shady as hell and I have no words for the league right now. Maybe I am crying too much and acting like a typical spoiled lakers fan(g) but at least answer the questions clearly. Instead of using your powers with no reasoning like some fucken dictator.

One last is Odom and Pau suppose to act now...

"Welcome to training camp! I'm sorry we try to trade you, please give it your 100% ok?"

Are you fucken serious, how awkward is that...Locker room is so fucked....and it was already bad from last season....FUCK





Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I may seem like a dumbass bear (which I probably am but don't you dare fucken quote me on this) but I do read the occasional book. The book I wanna recommend to you foos today is.....


This is one the best books I've ever read in my life and recommend it to anyone. The book is set after the zombie war and a reporter is interviewing a bunch of different people. The book is a collection of short stories and their experiences in the zombie apocalypse. I don't wanna spoil anything but the book is basically the next step in understanding a zombie apoc. Most stories, movies, games, etc. always cover a small group of people surviving when the world has turned to shit and your neighbor is trying to eat your intestines for a appetizer. World War Z puts things in a grand scale. It covers everything from what small individuals felt to what the various governments around the world did to not get wtfbbq owned. Just writing about the book makes me want to read it again. So if your looking for something to do at night during weekdays or just looking for something good to read, get this book now!!!!! They are also turning this book into a movie. Hopefully it's good, haha.


(you were gonna wiki them anyways....mainly to make sure your not a fn pedo)

Kara - Step

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


So, it really has been that longggg since I last posted. I know, I know, the quality of my shitty writing has gotten even worse....And to top it off, I NEVER WRITE. Damn, I'm so lazy and fat. I noticed even my last few posts, it's about loose drama and kpop. Well, I love kpop and dramas so screw you all. Plus, you know you love them Korean girls as much as I do. I would love to write about a real topic but my life is so booooorrrriiinnngg. It has been almost two months since I wrote here so let me see if I can find something to talk about it...

It was my birthday on 7-22......and boy did I get FUCKED UP. I don't even remember the night. I just remember we were at Sean's and we were trying to figure out a place to go eat before I got smashed. Somehow me and Chris ended up on the discussion that we should eat at the worst place possible. We were THIS close to getting people to go to Todai's before a consensus shot us down. Damn, I want some shitty food damn it. One day people, one day we will go back to THE TODAI!! Back to story, we ended up going to Claim Jumper where I got a big ass rib eye steak. I won't lie, I got a little f'd up before the dinner so i was starting to feel it. There was so much food and my stomache hurt from over eating but I kept putting steak in my mouth till it was ALL gone. After dinner, we were outside deciding where to go. We ended up going to gardner's bar where I ended up drinking way too much....way too fast. I can't really remember the night too well from there. I know more people came and we were all having fun but it's kind of a blur. It kind of sucks that I can't remember too much but what do you expect. I'm probably allergic to alcohol and everyone forces it down my throats so fast.....fuckers. I do remember meeting Tuan's friend Sarah for the first time. We were suppose to have this EPIC kpop battle discussion but it was too loud and I was too f'd up to have one. We had one for like 5 seconds, fail. ONE DAY, I WILL CRUSH YOUR FRIEND TUAN.

God, everything is such a blur that night....I ended up in Ien's trunk where I can't remember much except puking for a minute straight outside near Sean's house. Than I passed out in the bathtub. I can't remember anything else. Supposedly, there is a bunch of fucked up pics they did to me when I was passed out but I will never know. I ACTUALLY SAW ONE PIC THAT CHRIS PEAKED AT ME. IT WAS MY HAND BEING FORCED ON SOMETHING DIRTY AS FUCK THAT BELONGED TO TUAN. YOU MOTHER FUCKERS.

(passed out like usual....)

I ended up going to Vegas for work. There is nothing excited to report since I was there for WORK. I have to wake up hella early so I'm always tired. It also didn't help that I played pai gow every night because I am obsessed with that game. Getting a new hand feels like drawing cards in magic for some reason lol. I wasn't running too hot minus my fortune bonus $5 bet on four of a kind 9s!!! I was overdue for a sack anyways.

Well, I'm out of shit to write again. I will seriously look hard into making a decent post for once, if I have any readers left that is...... -_-

Come on, you know it's impossible for me to end this without a kpop girl - SNSD Yoona


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Rainbow Addiction Continues......

I found out how to die and come back to life in a span of 3 minutes. You watch this vid, that's how.

Rainbow - Sweet Dream

Vid #1

Vid #2

Props to my boy Navied for returning back to the states. Glad to have you back man (no homo). Just make sure you get better at ball *cough you suck ass cough*. Anyways, I'm sure you will find your basketball rhythm soon (I really hope so...). By the way...when are we gonna LA CAPILLA?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?

Release of M12 soon - core sets have always been very boring to draft and nothing in the new set shows me anything. You just draft random donks, pray for decent removals and open bombs that are borderline impossible to beat 90% of the time. I guess that is very close to a lot of drafts for some people but come on, I am not excited to be picking up hill giants all day ok. Only thing exciting me is my BOY GARRUK!!!

(my homeboy)

Monday, June 13, 2011


Grats to the Dallas Mavericks for being the 2010-2011 NBA Champs!

(Dirk Dirk Dirk Dirk!!!!)

This series was a great one and any basketball fan who watched this series will tell you the same (minus some fans down in south beach...). Every game was close and I honestly thought the series was over when the cHEAT were about to go up 2-0.............EXCEPT THAT AMAZING COMEBACK GAME 2 OMG!!!!!! Anyways, Dirk is insane. That is all. Seriously, even the games he is doing bad...come 4th quarter, the German Beast drops 10 points FOR SURE. He is just so ridiculous, especially his free throws!! To my knowledge, he set some kind of best FT% record in the post season or something. The guy is a monster at the free throw line shooting 94% in the playoffs and shooting 97% in the finals....all we can say is...DIRK DIRK DIRK DIRK. So glad the cHEAT lost. Yea the whole world is out to get LeFail and it may seem unfair to some people why everyone (including the media) is bashing him to hell, especially now since he failed. But remember, he is "the choosen one" who always brags and lets his ego get ahead of himself. I honestly think if he just didn't do "the decision" he would of been fine. TOO LATE FOR THAT LOL. Anyways, I hope some rumblings happen in the off season (cough we deserve Dwight cough) and I'm looking forward to next season of the NBA (AS LONG AS WE DON'T GET SOME LOCK OUT BULLSHIT).

(why does everyone on Miami flop so much??)

My wife - Jae Kyung (from RAINBOW)

(Track and Field?)

(Selcas FTW)

(High Five)

(Everyone likes Korean BBQ)

(Group Selcas)

BONUS - Suzy (from Miss A) says Hello to Tuan


CHAMBERED AGAIN DUDE - SUZY IS 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I don't have anything to write about, besides the terrible officiating from tonight's game one. Look, I know you shouldn't blame refs but DUDE......BOSH NEEDS TO STOP THAT GHEY AS FLOP SHIT. OMG MAN, HE JUST SWINGS HIS HANDS AND ARMS LIKE A 10 YEAR OLD GIRL RUNNING AWAY FROM A PEDO BEAR. Dirk got that steal clean but NOPE. BOSH SWINGING HIS ARMS LIKE A FAG....WHISTLE!!!! Man, did you also see that dirty foul on Terry when he shot that baseline FOUL BUT WE KNEW, WE KNEW WHAT LeDOUCHE DID.

Anyways, back the point of this post, I LOVE NANA (from After School). MARRY ME.

(gg no re)


(girl don't tease!)

(hard at work)


(you are Nana....)

(Princess time?)



Thursday, May 19, 2011

Delayed Response

Besides being truly lazy to write (yes...I suck at writing, bite me), it took a while for certain things to check in. By certain things...I mean the Lakers gone from this playoff run. Being swept was painful but I'm over it now. Dallas played great, and they're still playing great. They look almost unstoppable and it makes me wonder if anyone can even stop them. Dirk does get some pansy ass calls but that doesn't stop him from scoring a grip on you. Only thing that matters at this point is LeBron NOT WINNING A RING. I can't believe the Bulls let the cHEAT take home court advantage away from them that easily. Bah, I hope Chicago plays well this Sunday...

(one time!!! wait Shaq.....come on second time!!!)

So I played in the pre-release AND the release event this past 2 weeks cause I had nothing better to do lol. My pre-release deck was nuts, I had like 10 removal (shatter, revoke, arc trail, black trigon, 2 perilious myr and on and on) fast aggro creatures and KARN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea, I sacked a insane sealed...sue me. Obv I x-0 and split in the finals cause my deck was beyond good. I got like 27 packs for my troubles (thx B) and that was that. Nothing really notable to report than Karn let me beat someone after I mull to 4 lol......

My release event deck was beyond trash. It was the worst sealed I ever open. I also open TWO of those equipment paladins and I got like 0 equipment. SUCH A TEASE. My only equipment were infiltrator lens.......and this 6 mana +3/+1 haste living weapon. My removal was lacking, and I had shitty creatures. Nick had a good sealed and x-0 the place to clean it out, grats.


(The hawt.....)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


HOW ARE LAKERS DOWN 2-0 and heading into Dallas. This is obviously the worst case scenario and I am honestly worried. A lot of people are trying to look at this from a positive light but I just can't do it. I haven't felt like this since the loss to Boston in 08' finals. Those were dark times and I can just feel that same feeling closing in again. Maybe I shouldn't lose faith and believe they can win Friday and Sunday. Bring this shit back to LA tied with homecourt advantage again. I wanna believe it but I don't know anymore......

WHERE THE FUCK IS PAU. FUCKER IS A MARSHMALLOW. Seriously, and I thought Bosh-mellow was soft. Pau is seriously awful these days, especially at the offensive end. Maybe Pau and Odom should combine and make some smores cause I don't know what the fuck is going on in Laker land........

If Lakers lose this series, please call a taxi (nine to be exact) for me cause I will be getting drunk all around LA.. Feel free to join me, I'll buy you some soju (gross).


Monday, April 18, 2011

Playoff Weekend #1

So playoffs have officially begun with Lakers losing game one at home. Of course CP3 has one of his best games ever in our faces. We all knew Derek Fisher was too slow to cover him but the rotation to help him wasn't there. Not that it mattered cuz when it came, CP3 be dishing it to open players. Don't worry, I'm pretty sure Gasol won't play that shitty again and Aaron Gray is DOWNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!! I know I'm being douche but I ask you happy were you when Perkins went down in game 6 huh????

DRose is flat out nasty. Besides his 0-9 3s....... he had a monster game, especially that final stretch where he had that and1 than a spin move floater / hook. Than Kyle Korver came up HUGEEEEE off that open 3 he made from a pass he got from Rose. Man, Rose is insane. Period.

Zach Randolph. I love him. There is a reason why my jersey number for league was 50......
Younger Gasol and Z-BO dominated the paint and was one of the key factors for the game...but Shane's 3 in the closing seconds was ridiculous. Clutch shot sir.

OKC vs Denver was a insane game 1. They were just trading blows all night but OKC came out in the top at the end. I thought Felton had a bad look for the final shot and there was still over 10 seconds on the clock. He should of took his time and found a better shot or hopefully a open guy. I felt some OKC got a few lucky calls but hey, shit happens all the time, nothing new. Three blind mice I mean ref for a reason yo.

All the other series suck.

J/K....I missed the Boston v NY game cuz I was actually playing bball, but I saw the highlights later that night. Game looked insane. Can't believe NY let this one slip from their hands but give Ray Allen credit, one heck of a shot.

Lee Min Jung!!!

( talking in the library)

(she just heard on the radio that Lakers lost)

(please marry me)

(Yea..I'm shocked too. Mainly cuz Tuan thought he could EVER 3-0)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Playoffs are coming!!!!!

Playoffs are coming in less than a month and I can't wait!!!! Sadly, our playoffs hopes for our real league died week one when we played against a team we could never beat even if we trained for 10 years. Of course we're one of the few teams that play them TWICE.....WTF. Yea, we lost 89-28 Monday night just in case your

So, the debate of who is gonna come out of top of the east is still going strong. The Bulls are stronger then ever since Jordan era and is looking like it might just lock up the #1 seed. They did however lose to 76ers this week. Defending Eastern Conference Champs - the C's are looking worse than ever by losing to every team imaginable in the past few weeks. They lost to Indiana this week. The Heat shows great promise at times and at other times show why meshing talent doesn't always work. They got owned by the Cavs this week. The city deserved that justice win badly but don't worry, LeBeronze had a trip dubz. I don't wanna judge to early because anything can happen in playoffs.


(WOW...dbag much??)


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I'm probably past due on writing something here but I don't know what to write about. We won our first league game last week with me dominating (not really but I gotta lie) only to follow it up with a tough loss this week to a team that just beat us on the boards a lot. Oh well.

What I do want to talk about is this Korean drama I just finished (yea...I'm loose) called DREAM HIGH!!! It was a pretty fun show most of the time and I enjoyed it. It's about a group of kids attending a performing arts high school in hopes of debuting as a singer. Compare it to kind of like a Korean Glee I guess. So if your bored and have time, check it out. BTW, the OST for this drama is insane!!! (well, if you like k-pop that is)

(Dream High!!!)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


NBA All-Star Break just happened and it was CRAZY. Before I get into the dunk contest, let me tell you if you don't already know. I LOVE BLAKE GRIFFIN - FANBOY FOR LIFE (until he get injured cuz I'm loyal like that). How can you not like Blake, he's too much BEAST.


I really enjoyed everyone's dunks from this years contest. It was so much better than last years and I really feel everyone put a lot of thought into each dunk. I was REALLY impressed with Ibaka's free throw line dunk. Guy is almost 7 foot tall but he FLEW from the FT line to the basket with authority (too bad he got no 10s). I honestly thought Blake's first dunk was his best but using a car with Baron inside for the lob was pretty damn awesome.


I usually hate All-Star games cause it doesn't mean anything and no one plays any D. Of course the exception being when the game is REALLY close in the final minutes....and that is what EXACTLY happened this time around. It was pretty damn exciting in the final few minutes of the 4th. Although, when Kobe tried too much and had back to back turnovers in the finals 2 mins or so, I was raging. He fucken always does that shit lately, in REAL games too- wtf... I kept screaming to give it to KD cuz we all know he's the real deal and what did he do back to back possessions??? SCORE LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES - a jumper followed by a huge 3 pointer. Man I love Kevin Durant. Props to the Douche - I mean Lebron for his trip dubz.

(Ball Hogger deserves Ball trophy right?)

MELO TO KNICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly, I thought they gave up a bit too much for him but what do I know, I'm not a GM right?

(nice pic...guess he ain't smiling till he gets cp3 too)

Our real league team record - 0-3

YUP. This league is pretty insane with all of our opponents blowing us out by a average of 40 points a game or something. We are totally outclassed and getting stomped on lol. We still have a lot to work on as a team but our playoff chances are looking grim - like the T-Wolves. Tuan did get hurt last night in our game. He got rammed by a player when they were both chasing a loose ball. I hope you get well bro. Maybe this will cheer you up.....

Miss A's - Suzy

(nice hands)

(She's worried you won't return her calls)

(work time)


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the aftermath

Vegas was this weekend and we got fucked up. Trip included me, Sean, Dean, Bryan, Navied, and the Tuan.

So the trip started on Friday night where we all went to Tuan's house to meet up. Sean was there first while me and Dean arrived a little later. We were just catching the Golden State vs Bobcats game while Tuan was playing WoW. Bryan showed up shortly after and we were just waiting for Navied (typical). The van that David got us was some Chrysler mini-van with dual automatic doors. It actually wasn't that bad looking and we all owe David (more on that later...). We all had plans to go to the "magical Del" in Barstow where we planned on eating like 5 of those huge tacos. We get inside the "magical Del" at like 11:45pm where we ran into a problem.

Employee A " We are out of ground beef and chicken. We have steak and I think chili."


So, we basically got told they have no meat because it's closing time and it takes them too long to cook ground beef in 15 mins. Yea, we got owned and was not a good way to start off this shit. This shit is all Navied's fault cuz the fucker is always late. We tried calling the other "magical Del" but they were closing at 12 also. Sean looked so sad that he missed this opportunity, shit was weird. We ended up further down the road where we ate at the Mad Greek Cafe. It wasn't bad and we all left pretty stuffed. So we headed back on the I-15 towards VEGAS!!!!! We arrived at Palazzo somewhere between 2-4am, I have no idea. Where we checked in and went in our suite. We laid out all the shit that was gonna F us up that night on the table and stared at it. Dean made us drink this strong as Chinese drink. Oh man, the alcohol was literally burning the paper cups we poured it in as it started dripping from the bottom of the cup. We all took it in and damn did that shit BURN. I felt the burning sensation all the way down and I kept coughing cuz that shit did not go down well. After that, we had some Bailey Irish drink that tasted awful too. So after our pre-drink, we walked over to the Venetian to play some PAI-GOW! The great thing about pai gow is that you can split quite often which means infi drinks for everyone at the table. The table sat 6 which was perfect because there was 6 of us. This dealer named "king" was freaken legit along with this one Chinese floorman who kept fucking with us. Navied got fucken drunk and he kept yelling random mandarin words lmao. The dealer with 0 guests at the other table kept over hearing our convos and laughing cuz everyone was fucken drunk. We were there for hours with everyone drinking a fuck ton except me. I wanted to drink a little but I was feeling pretty shitty being tired and that chinese drinking burning my soul. After I lost my stack around 8am, I headed back first so I can finally sleep. I fell asleep on the couch, but was woken up to 3 different cell phones ringing at the same time because someone put the dead bolt on so that Tuan, Bryan, and Navied couldn't come in. I was the first one to come up, and I saw Dean and Sean passed out when I woke up so it was one of them two who locked everyone out. When I opened the door, Navied was so mad it was insane.

Navied when he was locked outside "man, I ain't fucken paying for this shit if I can't sleep inside"

I woke up like past 1pm to see Bryan and Dean saying there going to the spa downstairs while Tuan, Navied, and Sean were KNOCKED out. The couch i slept on was connected at the top to the other couch Tuan slept on. Man, that fucker kicked me multiple times when we were sleeping - on my arm, leg, and my head once. Fucken "no class" even in his sleep! While everyone was fucken hungover, we somehow convinced our selves that we wanted to attend the pre-release (@ 3pm) lol.................We somehow got ready and as we were heading out, Sean had to call it quits because he said he felt like he was gonna puke. So me, Navied, and Tuan headed outside to catch a cab to some local shop holding the pre-release. We get there, and there is literally like 90 people waiting to play. Tuan immediately sits down at a curb (still hungover) and we know this isn't a good sign. After analyzing the situation, we kind of agreed that this shit is gonna take too long and wasn't worth it. So we spent basically 40+ dollars on taxi fees just to watch other people open packs.

Random Noob "dude, I open venser's journal!"

So we get back like 4-5pm ish to our room where everyone is still kind of recovering from the alcohol last night. Sean looked a lot better so we decided to go eat. Everyone else had food or ate, so me, Navied, and Sean decided to hit up the Lux Cafe or some shit downstairs. Sean got his favorite fried food - fish and chips, I got some kind of burger with bacon strips and Navied ate his usual vegetarian bullshit. Food was pretty good, even though we stuffed our selves with the free bread lol.

Nothing spectacular happened that night, half of us hit up the poker table while the other half hit up the pai-gow action. I ended up winning a little bit due to this retard accidentally raising me with a $100 chip when he meant to call with his $5 dollar chips. Yea... I had a flush, he had two pair...GG NO RE.

Than Sean was fucked up on something and Dean wanted to "grab titties" so we headed out to a strip club late into the night. I ended up getting robbed like usual but was fun overall cuz we were in Vegas. Good thing Chris wasn't there, he tends to throw up on strippers!!

The night ended pretty quietly this time with people just eating a late night meal while catching some Blake Griffin highlights.

Sunday - the day of return

Everyone started waking each other up cuz our checkout time was 12pm. We got our shit, put it in our Xaos van and headed over to the Palms where Sean's room for Monday was. We got there, watched the ending of the OKC vs Miami game on the casino floor. Damn that was close, I hate when Miami Douchebags win. We looked around for food and ended up eating at the cafe. The meal wasn't bad and we headed back to Sean's room to finish the Lakers game. The C's dominated us and everyone felt like shit. That is around the top I took a shot of something. After the game ended, we ended up watching training day for a bit before we decided to head back home.

In the car, we were doing our usual bashing of people and Bryan came up. Now, Bryan once said that young Hermione in the Chamber of Secrets looked better than current Emma Watson. I think her age was around 13 when she filmed that. Than we started talking about how we always see hot high school girls latetly but we can't stare. Than out of no where, Tuan is like, you got "chamber'd". The whole car started busting up and I was yelling "chamber'd" left and right. Tuan invented the new word for when you get owned for being a pedo - chamber'd!. That was the start of a epic car ride.

This whole car ride, we been talking about how Barstow is getting closer and closer and the "magical del" is approaching. Somewhere in the car ride, I ended up taking two more shots of something. When we finally got there, I ordered 2 tostads and 5 Barstow classic tacos!!!! I gave one of my tostadas to Navied and somehow ate the rest. I don't know how but I ate those tacos pretty quick. So in the car ride, I'm starting to lose control and my head is kind of spinning. About less than a hour into the car ride, I yell to Tuan "pull over". Someone said "the exit is soon" and I'm thinking too late...... PUKEEEEEEEEEE, I'm talking mad del taco shit coming out of my mouth, fucken all over the rental van. I fucken hit Tuan on the back of his sweater (barely), his hand, all over the center console. The CD's got hit, cell phone (REALLY sorry Tuan), sun glasses case, spare change, food, EVERYTHING POSSIBLE GOT HIT. I wasn't done either, I went for a round 2 of puke where I went to town like a boomer all over myself and the van floor. The look people had was priceless. Dean was frozen still, like he just been contaminated with the T-Virus with his hands all over this face. He took some puke on his boots and bottom of the jeans. Navied was laughing hardcore cuz he was in the back out of harms way and just enjoying the show. Bryan couldn't stop saying "oh my god" and kept repeating himself in shock for like 5 mins. Tuan was actually relieved that I didn't puke all over his back. I was in complete shock myself until we pulled into the gas station. I was just DRENCHED in fucken del taco puke. I had it all over my sweater, hands, shorts, legs, all over my shoe and socks. Man, some of that ground beef went inside my shoe, fucken nasty dude. I was a walking FAT TACO.

So we went to a gas station where I changed into clean clothes and threw away the shit covered in puke. This was a shitty ass gas station too, and had to go to the women's stall to find any sort of paper towels. While I was in the bathroom, I heard Tuan used the window cleaner stick from the gas station to scrape out the puke out of the van. Fucken nasty. I grabbed my old shirts from my bag to clean up some of the mess I made so that we can head back home. Bryan couldn't bear the smell so he bought air fresheners from the gas station. We somehow made it back home after what I did to our Xaos van. I do apologize to everyone in the car, my bad. Too bad Sean missed it.

After the puke, Tuan - "Eddie, the del taco cheese from your puke....that shit wasn't even chewed, wtf"

LOLOLOLOL - the whole car busted up. Man, even though I puked all over myself (and others),this will be a story never forgotten. Even if it did cost me $200 for the detailing. FML

Before I go, thanks to everyone who made this trip possible. I owe everyone a huge thanks for everything, considering you guys paid for more stuff than me. Especially you Tuan, thanks for driving both ways. Thx David, really appreciate the Xaos van. AND FINALLY, REALLY SORRY ABOUT THE PUKE. -_-

By request, Dean's wife - Han Jang Hee

(David's favorite team)

("no comment")

(Nike top, ADIDAS shoes... wtf?)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


1st Countdown - Basketball League

So.... me, Sean, Bryan, Navied, David, other David, James, Tuan, and Mike all decided to join a basketball league. I don't know how well we will play but it's gonna be hella fun regardless. I can't wait to play indoors where I'll go all crazy in the post like a mailman! I need to work on my freethrows... HOPEFULLY I shoot 50%... FML. Hopefully I don't choke and clank a pair in a close game in the last 1min or something -_-. Hack-a-Ehd FTW?? Don't worry, David shoots worse FTs than me =P

2nd Countdown - VEGAS BITCH

Bunch of us are going to Vegas in 2 weeks and its gonna be EPIC. I don't know the details yet except that we MIGHT pre-release down there if we aren't hungover too much lol....

3rd Countdown - Final Scars draft for rating

So, the top 3 - me, Sean Navied are in a deadlock and this final draft will decide who is King of Scars before we reset rating for the new set. Sean is #1 at 1681 / Navied is #2 at 1675 / I'm #3 at 1673.... fuck. I was 1690 but I fucken 1-2 last week.... ugh. My deck wasn't good but I really think I should of 2-1. Either way, this final draft settles everything, including a certain bet I have with Navied. I better not lose after all the shit I talk. Fucken Navied talks so much shitttttttttt, I've never talked so much shit in my life till recently cuz of Navied (F U).

Speaking of just drafting strats, I can't get myself to draft aggro anymore. I don't know, unless I get a really strong core of aggressive creatures, I find my self losing to just random 4/4s and shit after they deal with my early stuff. I also prefer control-ish style decks because I have a excuse to play more LANDS. I am so sick of mana screws and playing 18-19 plus mana sources feel so much better. All my success in scars have come from drafting U (my favorite color in scars lol). I should branch out more and practice but the new set is coming so w/e lol. I used to actually prefer drafting more aggro but over the years, I just find my self taking walls and wall like creatures high. Kind of weird because I LOVE aggro in constructed and hate control. While in limited, I prefer control and hate aggro. Maybe I'll switch it up and try new things. The new set does seem faster with more ways to metalcraft, battle cry mechanic, along with other colors gaining proliferate (no... I'm not drafting infect). I'm really excited for the new set and maybe I'll gain my aggro identity back (probably not).

The OG Korean hottie - Hyori Lee

(yes you are)

(the slanted glare)

(vacation time!)

(always gotta have one cute pose)