Tuesday, February 22, 2011


NBA All-Star Break just happened and it was CRAZY. Before I get into the dunk contest, let me tell you if you don't already know. I LOVE BLAKE GRIFFIN - FANBOY FOR LIFE (until he get injured cuz I'm loyal like that). How can you not like Blake, he's too much BEAST.


I really enjoyed everyone's dunks from this years contest. It was so much better than last years and I really feel everyone put a lot of thought into each dunk. I was REALLY impressed with Ibaka's free throw line dunk. Guy is almost 7 foot tall but he FLEW from the FT line to the basket with authority (too bad he got no 10s). I honestly thought Blake's first dunk was his best but using a car with Baron inside for the lob was pretty damn awesome.


I usually hate All-Star games cause it doesn't mean anything and no one plays any D. Of course the exception being when the game is REALLY close in the final minutes....and that is what EXACTLY happened this time around. It was pretty damn exciting in the final few minutes of the 4th. Although, when Kobe tried too much and had back to back turnovers in the finals 2 mins or so, I was raging. He fucken always does that shit lately, in REAL games too- wtf... I kept screaming to give it to KD cuz we all know he's the real deal and what did he do back to back possessions??? SCORE LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES - a jumper followed by a huge 3 pointer. Man I love Kevin Durant. Props to the Douche - I mean Lebron for his trip dubz.

(Ball Hogger deserves Ball trophy right?)

MELO TO KNICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly, I thought they gave up a bit too much for him but what do I know, I'm not a GM right?

(nice pic...guess he ain't smiling till he gets cp3 too)

Our real league team record - 0-3

YUP. This league is pretty insane with all of our opponents blowing us out by a average of 40 points a game or something. We are totally outclassed and getting stomped on lol. We still have a lot to work on as a team but our playoff chances are looking grim - like the T-Wolves. Tuan did get hurt last night in our game. He got rammed by a player when they were both chasing a loose ball. I hope you get well bro. Maybe this will cheer you up.....

Miss A's - Suzy

(nice hands)

(She's worried you won't return her calls)

(work time)


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