Saturday, January 23, 2010

New Banner + Some Hating (just sayin')

So first off, I gotta thank my boy Chris for the awesome banner. I asked him to make one for me and he delivered a bear (at instant speed!). The pic is basically a bear (me) firing off some huge fire imitating the card Char. Just for your reference, that link to the pic of me is NOT actually me. It's some random pic of a dude that Alex found long time ago but just so happens to look EXACTLY like me. Seriously, that guy is like my eternal lost twin, if only I could find him one day........ Anyways, thanks Chris.

I know some people take offense when you diss' their heritage, ethnicity, race, culture, who gives a fuck. And if you do, its koo, we get it. Its just that when you get a group of asians talking about that shit, racism just blurts out and who knows more about dissing a race (or w/e u wanna call it) than your own race. Come on, a lot of people feel me on this. You know the most shit and can talk the most shit about your own people cause you just seen and experienced all the bad shit they can offer. When I talk about Koreans, I don't try to be all protective and shit, I just straight up say that a lot of us are angry douche bags who think there hawt shit 24/7. I'm not saying everyone is like that, but no point in hiding that some of them are. I remember my friend David going nuts like free style rap about all the bad shit viets do and how shady they are at times and I laughed for a good 5 mins listening to that shit. No shame, he's just letting the truth flow like a river. Filipinos get bashed on for living with 15 family members in one house and calling themselves FLIP aka Fine Looking Island People (lmao I saw a sticker on a car that said that once). I can keep this shit for a hour talking about Japanese, Chinese or Taiwanese to all you fuckers who take offense if I don't call you that, etc. but you get the point. But in the end, we are all just joking and none us are racist (I hope) so don't take any offense to this post or if you see me start saying shit that offends you.

(Hell even WoW developers are racist)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rain(ism) in So-cal / O or D

So it's been raining a lot these past few days in so-cal (not the hot ninja kind) and it kind of sucks. I don't mind rain all that much, I was just bummed out that our usual Sunday b-ball session was pretty much canceled, we played like 30 minutes when it was sprinkling till it started getting dangerously slippery so we left the courts.

Are u a offense person or defense person. Everyone usually has a preference or a play style they prefer that they established usually by gaming or sports. Yes, some people claim to be both which is possible but only few are capable of doing both very successfully. If you don't know which one your prefer or tend to do, its quite easy to figure out. When your playing basketball, do you take pride in your ability to score (ball hog) or take pride in your ability to contest / block shots and come up with steals. When your playing fighting games, do you tend to be on the aggressive by always attacking and applying block strings to put fear into your opponents or do you find your self turtling and only attacking when the opportunity looks favorable. Do you find your self in love with Lacerator or Hatchling when drafting Zendikar. There are other simple questions you can probably ask yourself but you get the point.

There is no shame in which you prefer O or D. It's up to you whether you like attacking or defending/blocking. Now some formats / games tend to favor one over the other but it doesn't mean you can't succeed in winning. Personally, I think I am one of those people who like to do both (pretty shitty at both) even though I think if I had to lean towards one, its D. I find myself playing defensive in a lot of games at times even though I try to mix it up once in a while (and fail). Although, if your watching any sort of game, watching someone being offensive is way more entertaining to watch. I'll probably go more in-depth into this someday after I get some input from real people or something but bye (x3) for now.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Utilizing the Sack

Sacking - in the act of performing the "sack"

Not everyone has the same luck. Some people just seem to have the most of it while some people can't even catch a break after a string of bad luck. Still, eventually everyone is bound to get lucky at some point and when you do finally "sack", you must learn to get maximum value out of it.

There are many different options when you are presented with a "sack" moment. Sometimes the path is clear cut for you and you only have one choice left when you are presented with the perfect scenario or the perfect card (magic or poker). Sometimes you have multiple options (nine to be exact) and have to figure out a way to get the most of it. Whether it be in poker where you maximize your profits or magic where you maximize the tempo or card advantage to win the match. Keep in mind there are a lot more ways than just poker or magic where you must get full value out of a "sack" scenario. Regardless of the situation you found yourself, you must always keep in mind that you MUST PLAY TO YOUR OUTS. You have to set your self up so that if you do get lucky, you can use it to your benefit or you are just wasting the good fortune you happen to stumble upon.

Now I will give some examples and explain how these people utilize their innate "sackness".

Example #1 Poker (LOL @ the other players faces at the end)

This is what you DON'T want to do. The chance of hitting a set with a pocket pair in your hand is 13% so it's pretty sack when you do but Tilly did not utilize the situation at all. Yes there is a chance that Antonius might of just folded if she bet again on the turn, but we will never know cause Tilly was too scared to bet even though she ended up with a monster hand. You must learn to get full value and not waste these precious moments, especially versus superior opponents. When playing a adversary of superior caliber, it is much more difficult to win cause they are just straight up better than you. That doesn't however mean you lost the battle. You can always sack yourself out of many situations and win. In short, don't forget to maximize your sack, especially when you gain the edge over a better player.

Example #2 Magic (No Mike Flores, you do NOT Char the Hand of Cruelty)

This is a prime example of how he played to his outs and set himself to win. This match is from Pro Tour Honolulu in 06' where Craig Jones (England) beat Oliver Ruel (France) in the final game 5 of the semifinals to move on to the finals where he ultimately lost to Mark Herberholz (USA). Craig knew that he had to Char Ruel's face in order to play to his outs and win. He had 3 Chars left in his deck and 4 Lighting Helix. A Char would kill them both and they would draw game 5 and play a game 6, or he could draw a Helix and just kill him and win. He only had one turn to live because the next turn Oli would attack for lethal and kill Craig. Craig knew he had to call upon the "Sack Goddess" to draw a helix, but somehow he did, probably cause Oli said "smash it smash it". But hey, he won the match along with a extra 8 grand for his victory (2nd place) thus earning himself the "Topdeck of the Century" title.

I actually recently got myself out a speeding ticket (total sack) like 2 weeks back. I was coming home from Bryan's after a CvS2 session and I was on 91 West to 5 North merger. After I was on the 5 for like 5 seconds, I get pulled over for speeding. After I lower the window, the cop gets like 2 inches from my face to smell alcohol. I wasn't drinking so obviously I didn't smell like alcohol. After reading my driver license, and asking why I was speeding (I told him I was tired and was just on my way home), he let me go and I said thank you like 10 times. Keep in mind it was little bit past 2 and cops are out everywhere trying to look for drunk people driving home from bars and shit. By not drinking that night and driving home during the prime time when cops are out looking for DUI's, I set my self up to play to my outs and get away from a speeding ticket.

Yea, I'm full of shit......

Random Vid, you have to watch

Folgers Christmas Commercial

(Incest anyone???)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Driving in LA / Fail Manga(s)

Like most of you know, I live in LA. No you don't have to drive super aggressive to get anywhere in LA or anything. Although there are a lot more assholes on the road than probably Irvine or something. So I was driving down Wilshire Blvd to get to my destination and as I'm going down, some mother fucker cuts me off. Yea, people do that shit and all you can do is say "mother fucken cunt" and let it go. What piss me off about this a-hole was the fact that he had one of those, "Baby on Board" yellow warning sign shits on the back of his car. Yea dude, thx for cutting me off so I can nearly rear end you and possibly injure you kid on accident in the process, thx brah. Now I don't know if his kid was in the car or not, but man, what a douche bag. Cutting me off while sporting that sign is like someone who belongs in PETA and is seen eating at a all you can eat bbq. Ok I am just over reacting and I am not some psycho freak, jeez you guys judge quick.

(Ah yes, looking at the former Batgirl makes me wanna go vegetarian, no not really).

Yes I read Naruto and Bleach. No that does not make me a narutard and no I do not call my fantasy basketball team - Team Bankai. Ah Dirk, please do a German Bankai and give me 40 points / 15 boards (sorry sam). Anyways, no disrespect to the authors, but man, those two series have been shitty for a long time now, I'm sorry. Yes I know I can just stop reading if I consider them terribad, but I did enjoy the series at one point, so I just keep reading probably in hopes that it becomes good again one day (right....). I do however enjoy reading some other series like One Piece, Bakuman, and Beelzebub. Maybe I'll write about that some other time.

NBA update - the Cavs lose in Salt Lake City to the Jazz in a close one. Final score was 97-96 with the game winning shot coming from D-Leaguer Sundiata Gaines. He was signed to a 10 day contract and man, I guess he was worth it. Knocking down a clutch 3 at the buzzer to win at home in front of all them morons, I mean Mormons at Energy Solutions Arena. Props to Kyle Korver for that base line jumper when he was going out of bounds with like 10 seconds left. Also props to my man (crush) - King James for his valiant effort towards the end, especially that missed FT that he got back somehow and sank that 3. Than coming down the court next possession to sink another 3. Thought Jazz was done at that point, good comeback. I'll finish this off with a "FACIAL".

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bear + Sack = Ehd ? / Lakers win a game !

So what is sack? Well it was derived from what MTG players call luck sack. Meaning you drew the perfect card at the perfect time to steal a game or vice versa. But somehow the term "sack" went from a term specifically used when playing magic to a word that can be applied to anything. Poker, video games, women (random drunk sluts), lucky bounce in basketball, etc. Anyways, most of my friends have this conception that I'm super lucky when it comes to anything, especially any sort of game. I do anything that even has like 1% luck involved and BAM someone yells Ehd omg you fucken sack. So I am forever called "the sack" or "le sac" for the frenchies (thx chris).

So why am I called bear besides the fact I'm big and fat. This is due to the one and only Bryan. I don't know specifically when he started calling me a bear but it was around the time when we all still had Xaos (card shop few of us owned). He somehow started calling me bear and various versions of it. When Bryan loses to me, (I pwned his ass at everything) he would call me bitch bear. When he did something to annoy me he would yell "watch out hes gonna maul you". And one time when we were playing poker at xaos, i was wearing loose sunglasses and hes like wtf Ehd looks like a countrybear. Every since those days, the term "Bear" was somehow attached to me forever.

(Ah yes, my fellow brethren in arms)

Lakers- grats on a road win. So Kobe started the game even though he had back spasms. He took 1 shot in the 1st quarter, a 3 pointer that wasn't even close. Suprised Marion D him at all, you can so tell he can't move. Also curious on why they didn't let Marion abuse Kobe's back more by letting him do isolation plays or something. Well I guess his back was ok later on, he looked more fluid (a lil) and he ended up playing 35 mins on 5-11 shooting. Not bad for someone banged up to hell. Although he mad some awful decisions down the stretch when it was close, including getting blocked and that airball he chucked up (no elevation on his shots). He redeemed himself when it was tied 95 with that jumper to go up by 2. Oh yea grats on Dirk for getting 20k career points than losing, NT.

(I swear my shooting form is just as good)

Random crossover ownage

Jamal Crawford #1

Jamal Crawford #2
Derrick Rose

1st Post + ranting about random crap

Hello, I am Eddie but most of my friends call me Ehd. Yes, it sounds exactly like Ed. The nickname give to me was suppose to be Eh-d, which is suppose to sound like Ed - die, but WoW doesnt allow that dash shit so I had to convert it to Ehd which just sounds like Ed. Although some noobs call me Eugh and random shit like that. I even had one guy ask me if it stood for Earth Honor Defense something randomly in the old days of WoW and i was like uhhh, you need to stop playing WoW all day and watching sci-fi shows all night. Here I am just trying to explain my nickname and I just rant about WoW even though I rarely play these days. Blizzard owns my soul. (hey i know some of you bitches reading this feel this too)

Man Lakers suck. There 6-4 in there last 10 games and Kobe is all banged up. I didnt get a chance to watch tonights game vs spurs but ESPN said kobe left in the 4th with back spasms. Gasol is still out with that hamstring too. Speaking of injuries, this is the first year I tried fantasy basketball and since day one I've been infested with injuries like crazy. Or your best point guard can get suspended by David Stern for having guns in your locker and aiming it at random 3rd stringers over dumb shit, grats.

Hopefully I didn't bore you with my random crap and I will actually have some good posts in the future. Oh yea, just a reminder for those people who draft with us on sundays. I'm #1 bitches.