Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Yea, Sunday was an awesome day until the end. I picked up Dean, went to Bryan's house to watch game one of C's (Fags) vs Magic and watch them fail as they gave up home court advantage (now there down 0-2 to Boston - GG Magic). Had a good session of ball of where me and Dean got to finally play together after like a year. Got a assortment of my post moves on to get some good shots. Than went to go eat at Chipotle where I met some carnitas that made its way into my belly. Ended the night with a draft where I went 2-1. I couldn't continue my streak of 3-0s but 8-1 in 3 weeks is good enough for me. Than I had to drop off Dean at his place where I chilled for a bit before I headed home. I was tired and felt like speeding a little to get home fast and that is where I got fucked.

There is a stretch on the 134 freeway (few miles) before you meet the 2 freeway where it is PITCH black. There is no street lights like most freeways so all you can rely on is your headlights and those little divider shits that separates the lanes. I was going 80 when out of no where in pitch black, fucken headlights suddenly popped up right behind me and I see the CHP sirens turn on to pull over. I exited the next exit where he eventually gave me a ticket (FML). I was speeding so I deserve it but it just sucks I got owned like that. I'll admit its a pretty good spot (more like fucken shady) for cops to hide out and pull over cars speeding in that section of freeway (complete darkness). I like to speed quite often on freeways but I'm usually careful and watchful of cops hiding and such. But if he is hiding in complete blackness, what can I do. I know I'm bitching but I know I deserve the ticket so whatevez. I just know I'm fucked from my dad cause this shit is probably gonna cost 400 or some shit. Man, I remember when I got my 1st ticket at 16 and shit cost 120 or something. How did it jump up 3 times that much in under 10 years.

On a positive note, I've been watching GLEE non-stop and it's totally fucken awesome. Oh man, the singing is amazing and there is so much talent on that show its insane. If you love music and your looking for something new to watch, PLEASE PLEASE WATCH GLEE!!

(William McKinley High GLEE Club)