Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I went to Vegas about 2 weeks ago or so with Dean and had a blast. Vegas has such good food and I pig out like crazy (as if I wasn't a fat ass enough back in cali) until I can't move. I didn't really gamble that much because I don't really know how to play anything except blackjack. I played poker for a bit with Dean where people kept calling us when we have full houses (ding!). We also saw 2 shows while we were in town. One was called Crazy Horse @ the MGM and the other was Viva Elvis @ Aria. Both were great shows and I had a ton of fun watching them both. I know this Vegas story is boring but that's because there was nothing SUPER CRAZY to report. It was just a relaxing trip where you just enjoy the city without worrying about waking up on the floor in your own vomit. Speaking of which, one time I was in Vegas with Dean, he had me doing shots of everything in the mini fridge and started giving me vodka saying "I'll do it with you" so that I don't get drunk alone. Fucker had water in his cup and lied to me (shady) as I drank that shit. Of course I got super wasted and don't recall the night so well as I had even more shots (my tolerance is also shit). So yea..... never trust people who wanna get you drunk forcefully.


We got served in 08 by C's (FAGS) and it's time for revenge. Artest will own Pierce (hopefully) and Kobe is been on fire as of late. I swear if we lose this year again, I'm gonna kill anyone wearing a Boston jersey. Speaking of which, we were at BJ's last friday and we saw some faggot wearing a pierce jersey at the bar (what a douche, seriously). Go be a fag in your own home, not in public dick. I should of just walked over and punched him, even though he had like 5 friends with him. Who knows, maybe ARTEST will tip in at the buzzer again lol. Seriously J - Rich, way to box out. Beating the Suns was also totally sweet cause you get to rub it in Sam's face about it.


TV shows ending - I'm kind of glad they ended cause I have way too many shows I watch and have to keep up with. Now I can go catch up on a few tv shows I haven't been up to date with and not worry about my dvr schedule every day.

Anime - Honestly, I haven't been impressed with anime in a while, basically since Code Geass (SEASON ONE ONLY). I don't really watch that much anymore cause a lot of the new shit is fucken terrible. Full Metal Alchemist just released episode 59 this week and that series has been really good. Also if your a evangelion fan, Movie #2 "you can (not) advance" just came out for download so you should check that out (it's EPIC).

(awesome - now I gotta wait like another year for 3.0 - sheet)

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