Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More Shows...

I watch a lot of shows. This isn't just limited to American shows, I watch Anime, Korean dramas and a bunch of other loose shit. I'm not gonna list everything I watch but if its a popular title, there is probably a high chance I've seen it. But today I'm going to talk about some new shit I been watching lately so here we go.

Breaking Bad - It's basically a show about cooking meth and selling it along with a bunch of other problems that happens along the way. I'm currently on season 2 (season 1 was really short) and so far I love it. It's got some fucked up shit that is wrong and funny at the same time. I mean come on, COOKING METH, what can be better. So if your looking for a new show to dip into, I definitely recommend this to anyone.

So I started this loose Korean Drama (what K-drama isn't loose) called God of Study. I'm almost done with the series and so far I think it's pretty decent. It's about a guy who is trying to send 5 students (with poor grades) to a top rated university in Korea by making them study day and night. It's not that serious of a drama and mainly appeals to the younger crowd. Probably very appealing to high school kids in Korea who are in the same boat of trying to ace the college exams. It tries to put a lot of humor and motivation in the series so that you can relate to all the students studying and struggling at the same time. I also enjoy this series cause it's not all that emo shit with cancer. But don't worry, this series isn't as good as BOYS (nothing is).

T-Ara's Ji Yeon as Na Hyun Jung in God of Study

(She's 16 you PERVS)