Thursday, March 11, 2010

Low-Blows (Capitalizing on your Opponents Mistakes)

Just like how I talked about people making mistakes in games, this is about taking advantage of it when your opponents mess up. It may seem dirty on the outside to take advantage of someone who makes a mistake, but it's one that is necessary in order to become victorious at the end of the day. Taking advantage of any favorable scenario is what all top gamers do, and something you must do also in order to push the game in favor of you. Now I'll just go over a few things I noticed in games I play.

MTG - Some mistakes are harder to see in magic because you don't know how bad that play hurt your opponent until you know his hand. Other are blatantly obvious such as a bad attack that leaves him vulnerable by a counter attack on your turn cause he has no/too few blockers. The list can go on and on, but the important thing is to concentrate. Paying attention to the finer details is usually a good way to spot possible ways to make the board or situation more favorable thanks to your opponents mistakes. Hopefully your opponent like to "punt" (give the game away with a bad mistake) a lot so that you can have a easier time stealing games, and trust me, this happens more than you think. But remember, no matter how bad they mess up, sometimes they get away thanks to a timely top deck.

L4D - Left 4 Dead was one of the few games I've seen where they severely punish you for mistakes (Survivor Side). The game is designed as a team effort and one survivor running around alone, rushing ahead, getting caught in bad spots, etc. can lead to the death of your whole team. A lot of times, the team winning the match comes down to your opponents making a mistake on survivor, the infected team capitalizing on it, and winning by point bonus thanks to depleting your health or killing your whole team.

Sports - Sports is a easy one as you see what happens when you mess up on TV a lot. Turnovers, interceptions, etc.

WoW - Arena is another team format where you can capitalize on your opponents mistakes. Some times your opponents will be caught in the open because of bad positioning on their part which will lead to free kills. A lot of different scenarios can happen because there is so many different classes and spells, but bad position is one I find common.

(If you suck at arena, you can always look for PUG raids - ROGUE 170HP DPS LFG)

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