Monday, December 13, 2010

wtf fedex....

So, I recently shipped out a kimchi refrigerator to Oklahoma that a customer purchased. I used fedex ground and it usually takes 3-4 days. After like 5 days, my customer calls me to ask about the situation. I look up the status with the tracking number online and it shows that its "in transit". The only thing I can say is to wait another day to see if it arrives. A day later, she calls again saying if I can find out more detail on why its taking so long. So I call fedex and find out they lost my package..... AWESOME. I tell the customer this and of course she starts bitching at me like its my fault that fedex randomly loses shit sometimes. I understand there a HUGE company and they lose stuff occasionally but it sucks when it happens to you lol. Anyways, I sent out ANOTHER refrigerator because the customer wanted it really bad. Turns out she made kimchi in advance in preparation of receiving the refrigerator and now there going to go "bad" cause she has no where to put it in....fucken korean old mom. So I asked fedex if they can ship it out overnight cause they kind of owe me for screwing up my first order. They said no, so did the supervisor....what a douche. So I call a different department and go WTF and they said they will send it overnight at the cost of ground shipping. This was fine with me because I was going to get reimbursed for the first shipment. So I shipped it out, hoping everything was done with. When it arrives in Oklahoma next day, I get a call with her even more pissed off because fedex beat the shit out of the box.

(thx fedex....retards...)

The box when it left our warehouse was wrapped SEVERAL times in that plastic wrapper thing all around with fragile stickers. It arrives to my customer with rips that a badger would do with dents and scratches all over the refrigerator. It was also non-functional when plugged in. I don't know what they did but now I had to call fedex and file a claim. I had to write a bunch of BS on some form, have the right paperwork and a bunch of phone calls. Seriously, this was the worst thing ever because I spent so much time on ONE ITEM because fedex fucked me. I could of been doing so much other work but nope. I also recently got back my "lost" refrigerator from the first shipment. Box was kind of worn but there was ZERO scratches on that one. I don't know how a lost fedex ground has no damage and the one sent priority overmail was beat by a baseball bat. Fucken fedex dude...I call that place so much, I memorized there 1-800 number, shit.... I'm never using them ever again.

Onto next story, so I was at commerce casino recently and this crazy hand happened. I was at the same table with Dean at the 40 no limit. I wasn't in the hand but Dean was big blind with like 3 callers. Flop was like K 7 5 (2 spades) turn was like a random number and river was A of spades. Dean was betting out the whole time and on the river, it was heads up versus this white dude in a beanie hat. He goes all in and Dean calls. Dean flips over K 7 for two pair. He goes "I beat you dawg" and flips over K 10 of clubs i think. We were like damn that sucks, cuz Dean probably commited almost a 100 dollars that hand. We thought he had a straight, than a flush, than a better two pair. Everyone was so confused for a while, than realized, this foo only had top pair LOL. He literally thought he won, it was hilarious. The way he threw down his cards to the table with that line of "I beat you dawg" was priceless. Than he started clapping his hands like crazy because he thought he won this HUGE pot. Than Dean reversed it and started clapping his hands too after he realize he won. The whole table started busting up and kept saying that line over and over. That shit never got old.

Sorry I haven't posted in so long.... but I'll introduce Kim Tae Hee

(yea...she's checking you, not you Tuan)

(I love stalker pics...)

(yea, you always gotta check if she's got good legs)