Friday, December 31, 2010

update before the (20)11s


So a bunch of us saw them Wed. night vs the Jazz and it was amazing. So we ended up getting a whole box suite to ourselves (minus 4 strangers) where we just went wild every time Blake DUNKED or Jordan got a BLOCK (he had 7 that game!). So we all met up at the Magic Johnson statue and made our way into our B-49 suite. We got there early so we got a bunch of nachos, popcorn, soda, beer, etc. before the game. All of us pig'd out cause we were hungry before the game started. Clippers played a great 1st half where we were up by 6 I believe going into half-time. We ended up getting crushed in the 2nd half (mainly cuz of big AL...) where they scored on us at will. Man, the Clippers offense is so bad.... all they have are basic high school plays, fucken Vinny. Clippers also need to learn to make some FTs...... Even though we lost, it was a ton of fun and plan on going to a few more before the season ends (PLAYOFFS!!!!! jk). I did end up getting a Blake Griffin shirt though (yea, I'm a fanboy). I finally 3-0'd again in a long time in SoM. I hate this set dude, I'm either winning with rares or losing to them...I feel dirty either way. I know bombs are part of every limited format and me winning last week had some help. But like a grip of rares in scars is playable. So you got bombs everywhere and rares that are basically like strong uncommon level. It's seriously annoying when every time I play a match, everyone and there fn grandma has rares. What happened to just winning with commons?? Guess that's in the past. I don't know, I may be just ranting but that is what I feel a lot. I still like drafting U/b/r - ish control decks but I've been pretty open to draft anything lately. I luckily beat Tuan and his homeboy x 2 (thx mana screw). Seriously, Tuan has had that rare like 12 times already. And yes.... I still hate infect.

Introducing - Han Ga In

(I love flowers too!)

(DAMN....leather gloves!)

(the shifty eyes....Tuan told me to be careful when you see this)


  1. Eddie you are such a sackworthy piece of shit. I can't wait to own you it's gonna feel so good.
    BTW anyone reading this - for some reason Ehd think since he was #1 in two sets that for some reason he was #1 always in the past -_-. Can we put him in his place plz? kthxbai.

  2. navied.. stop hatin' cuz i passed you up in ratings

  3. it's sad how close i am to you in ratings, you should be ashamed of yourself
