Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Would not bang

All guys grade girls differently. People have different tastes and "that's fine" (Chris). What someone would find a 7/10 will be 4/10 in some people's book. There is also the e-standard that we know of. It is mainly used to grade celebrities or models. The e-standard is usually used separately for the super hawt but it can transfer over to the real world. This happens because your too used to seeing internet pics and set the bar too high (probably cause you ain't getting any). Now, don't go calling me out and shit cause you think I'm dissing your girl or something. This is something well understood by all guys so just chill before you judge me.....bitch.

Now, I will admit I have seen some girls that someone considers "decent" to be flat out nasty. But it's never just ME though ok. Like 10 people will confirm that I am right and that one guy had to be drunk (let's hope).

Example in LA - So we're at this 24/7 Korean restaurant on 6th and Alexandria and I think it's me, Alex the platoon leader, Matt the reformed Korean, and I think Ed. So we order and we over hear this group of asians next to us talking. This one dude pulls out his phone and shows his friends a picture of a girl.

Fail (The guy bragging about some girl) - "Dude, isn't she hot?"

Friend A - "Uhhhh.... no"

Friend B - "Dude, I wouldn't even bang her"

LOL.....let's be realistic here for a moment. Most guys would bang pretty much anything. If you bang a 3/10, no one isn't gonna give you too much shit. Dating a 3/10 and banging is wayyyyyyy different ok. So if someone wouldn't bang, that means that chick is a fucken 1/10. Feel bad for the guy, but his homies gotta be real with him. He looked crushed after he heard his friend's comments lol. Worst part is, we had to contain our laughter cause we didn't wanna be douche and admit we overheard this convo.

Might as well introduce Matt's wife now.....

(The Korean Barbie - Han Chae Young)

(The "Classy" look)

(Who doesn't love long island iced tea)

(Holy mother of...... Father, I have sinned)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

werk werk

I had to work 12 days straight thanks to some convention in Vegas I had to attend. Even though I been tired for about 2 weeks straight now, it was fun hanging out with co-workers in Vegas. The schedule literally was wake up early, work into the 6-ish area, dinner with workers + drinks, than hang out and more drinks. I can't even hold my alcohol so you can imagine how I felt everyday in the morning..... like shit. Last weekend felt so good even though I didn't do anything crazy. It was nice to wake up and not worry about going to work.

I did manage to see two movies this weekend. No, not fucken eat, pray, shit or something by Julia Roberts (fags). I saw Expendables which was totally bad ass. It's just old skool action at its best and was very enjoyable. You don't think about plots or what not, just the next time some random dude is gonna get shot or stabbed. If you love action movies, go check that shit out. The second movie I saw was Scott Pilgrim. It was very weird at first but you get used to the movie's "playstyle" and start enjoying it for what it is. I can see a lot of people not liking this kind of theme as it did poorly in the box office this weekend. But if you have any nerd blood in you, you will probably like this movie. I'm looking at you....fucken nerd.

Last week was great weather but of course when we play ball on sunday, it had to be hot as hell. Oh man, the heat kills your stamina and you don't feel like playing after 20 mins. I have little stamina as is, so I ran out of juice instantly for the rest of the day. I sweat so much that after the basketball session, I can literally grab my headband and squeeze the sweat out like a fucken wet rag. Gross.

Might as well end this by introducing Tuan's wife....

(and who said Korea didn't have Maxim)

(O-M-G, I mean Yo In Na)

(the glare x 100 - this is how you not only lose your bank account, but your soul....)

Monday, August 2, 2010


Yea, I been kind of delaying my updates, so my bad. I'm just gonna talk about some random stuff so here we go.

So.... I turned 25 (GG) and I got super wasted at Gardner's bar. The worst part was when I went to say bye to Gardner, he made me drink some purple birthday drink they have. Made me take 3 double shots of that stuff. It wasn't that strong but I was pretty much already gone so yea.... On the way back to Sean's place, I made Bryan pull over where I puked a shit ton. I hurl'd at least 5 times on the sidewalk. To any morning joggers on Katella Ave, I do apologize for the mess I made. Then the fuckers did a bunch of shit to me and took photos when I was passed out in the tub.

(Bryan took pics....)

Draft - M11 is shit. I hate vanilla formats, it's so draw dependent with so little skill. Everything is just removal or random dudes and whoever has/draws more wins. Bombs are way more powerful (especially those stupid Titans) and harder to beat/deal with. Maybe I prefer RoE cause I can't stop 3-0ing (looking at you Tuan).

STARCRAFT 2 - it's bad ass, I been playing the campaign lately and it's a lot of fun. I'll start into the multi-player but I'm awful at RTS. So sad, I'm like the shitty Korean, can't drink or play SC well. FML

Make sure to RUN RUN all week.