Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Yea, Sunday was an awesome day until the end. I picked up Dean, went to Bryan's house to watch game one of C's (Fags) vs Magic and watch them fail as they gave up home court advantage (now there down 0-2 to Boston - GG Magic). Had a good session of ball of where me and Dean got to finally play together after like a year. Got a assortment of my post moves on to get some good shots. Than went to go eat at Chipotle where I met some carnitas that made its way into my belly. Ended the night with a draft where I went 2-1. I couldn't continue my streak of 3-0s but 8-1 in 3 weeks is good enough for me. Than I had to drop off Dean at his place where I chilled for a bit before I headed home. I was tired and felt like speeding a little to get home fast and that is where I got fucked.

There is a stretch on the 134 freeway (few miles) before you meet the 2 freeway where it is PITCH black. There is no street lights like most freeways so all you can rely on is your headlights and those little divider shits that separates the lanes. I was going 80 when out of no where in pitch black, fucken headlights suddenly popped up right behind me and I see the CHP sirens turn on to pull over. I exited the next exit where he eventually gave me a ticket (FML). I was speeding so I deserve it but it just sucks I got owned like that. I'll admit its a pretty good spot (more like fucken shady) for cops to hide out and pull over cars speeding in that section of freeway (complete darkness). I like to speed quite often on freeways but I'm usually careful and watchful of cops hiding and such. But if he is hiding in complete blackness, what can I do. I know I'm bitching but I know I deserve the ticket so whatevez. I just know I'm fucked from my dad cause this shit is probably gonna cost 400 or some shit. Man, I remember when I got my 1st ticket at 16 and shit cost 120 or something. How did it jump up 3 times that much in under 10 years.

On a positive note, I've been watching GLEE non-stop and it's totally fucken awesome. Oh man, the singing is amazing and there is so much talent on that show its insane. If you love music and your looking for something new to watch, PLEASE PLEASE WATCH GLEE!!

(William McKinley High GLEE Club)

Friday, May 7, 2010

NBA - Where _efense Happens

Yea, I know how to spell defense but I gotta take the D out of it cause teams forgot how to play D (especially in the post season).

Let's wrap up some playoffs -

LA VS OKC / LA wins 4-2

We knew we were gonna win, but I didn't think it would be this hard vs a 8th seed. OKC has proved there damn good and play great defense even without a true center starter. Luckily RON RON played some D on KD but Russel Westbrook burned us until game 5 when Kobe played some D-efense (basically cutting off layup lanes and daring him to shoot). Of course, who can forget the Pau tip in on game 6 to win the series (although I was 100% sure Kobe was gonna make that shot).


(wait wtf.... white mamba?? wtf is this fag shit)

coach-less _enver vs THE SLOAN-ERS / JAZZ 4-2
Yea, i know how to spell D-enver too, but they don't deserve a D cause they ain't got no defense as of late. They are missing Coach Karl to cancer (I actually hope he recovers) and had to rely on some random black dude so no wonder they lost.

(uh, who are you again? seriously)

All kidding aside, Adrian Dantley was damn good, don't believe me? Check out his stats, and stats dont lie (sometimes they do).

Sam's favorite team (Nash-y Suns) vs / PHX 4-2
I actually thought this was gonna be a crazy series till around game 5 I was like, this series is over cause Portland sucks and had too many injuries this year. Even with Roy back, it was too late and the better team rose to the next round (like most cases).

(We all know Nash gave u that pass to dunk, you can't do shit on your own)

Mark Cuban vs Oldies / Spurs 4-2
Yea, Cuban actually did what he could to make a team good enough to make a push in the playoffs. Too bad it wasn't enough to beat Tim Duncan's 45 year old knees. Spurs actually impressed me that series in what they did to beat Mavs. There starters played well and George Hill definitely stepped up to the challenge in that series playing very solid - especially that 11-16 shooting one game.

(Better luck next year yea??)

Man, you know how after like a bad possession (like a 24 shot clock violation) they love to show the coach's face of the team that committed such poor play. You always see either a face palm or a face that wants to strangle his players. Well ESPN has stepped it up one notch as of late. They love to show a bad turnover or some bad foul committed by the team and show the owner's face and see how he reacts. By owners I mean MJ and Cuban. They always show there faces and you always see them yelling at refs or getting mad about calls lol. Well, they been doing that too Cuban for a while now so I guess that is nothing new but getting it done on the legendary Jordan is pretty funny.

(Michael, calm down man, the series was over before it started)

So, Dean is finally coming back to US for a visit (for those of you that know him). He's gonna be here for like 2 weeks or so hopefully a lot of us will get a chance to smoke him while driving to the lane cause he has a strong understanding of the _EFENSE.

(love Mormon cheerleaders)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

State of the Game(s)

Let's just jump into the action:

Rise of Eldrazi (Draft) - Man, I am so lost in this set. I've only drafted a few times, but I am always confused as I see the packs go through me. I've yet to be satisfied with a deck, which is gonna happen a lot early. I always feel like I am not taking the cards in right order or reading card strengths wrong. I've read a few articles by some top players about there insight into the current draft format and it did make a lot of sense to me. Hopefully the next time I draft, I do a little better and apply some of the knowledge I read in the articles. Screw it, I'm gonna just open planeswalkers and own people.

(Hello Mythic)


So version two of street fighter 4 is out with 10 new characters (i think), 2nd ultra option for all the characters and some balance changes. SSF4 is the hype right now (just like when sf4 came out) and everyone is playing it. This hype will probably continue to EVO where we will probably see some epic battles in the top 8. I haven't learned any new characters and just stick with Ryu still lol. The game is just like the first version and is awesome to play. So if your looking to play a new game, get your shoryu (ken) on.

NBA PLAYOFFS - Let's start with East.

Orlando v Charlotte / 4-0 Orlando Wins

I don't even need to explain why Orlando won 4-0. The Magic are just way better and owned the Bobcats (Sorry MJ).

(I think this sums up series)

MIL vs ATL / 3-3 Series Tied

Never expected that series to go beyond 5 or 6 cause Bogut is not there. The Hawks can't win on the road for shit and that is why you should not have faith in that team. They did win game 6 on road but after a awful loss to Bucks in game 5 in Atlanta. Game 7 is this Sunday where the Hawks will probably win.

Bulls vs Cavs / 4-1 Cavs win

Another GG before the series started. Bulls are not gonna beat the #1 seed team which contains the one and only King James. I give props to Rose though cause that foo is sick.

(WTF Noah, cut your damn hair, you got nothing else to do after elimination, again)

C's (more like Fags) vs Wade I mean Heat

Man, 1st round East playoffs for East suck balls. Blowouts everywhere cause the lower seeded teams are shitty as fuck. Despite Wade's efforts, the Heat can't beat the Celtics cause the Heat suck ass, unless your a fan of Jermaine "THE DRAIN" O'neal, than my bad.

Talking about East made me wanna stop writing lol, I'll do the West next post. Peace.

(Can always watch cheerleaders if the game is a blowout)