Monday, February 8, 2010

The Fast and the Furious

The Fast and the Fail, I mean Furious was the hype in 2001 for all the wanna be idiots who thought they can race or buy random Japanese cars and think they can race. Well, it worked for the most part. A lot of my Asian friends got all into that shit upgrading their current piece of shit cars or picking one out for when they got their license to drive. People also started buying t-shirts with imports on them, buying magazines like these, along with other crap.

So one day, I had to go my friend Norbert's house to pick something up, I can't even remember what it was. As I was leaving his house, he started up a conversation that ended screwing him over.

Norbert - "Wanna race up that hill on Esperanza road?"

Me - "Are you serious? In your truck, you'll flip over man"

Norbert - "Naa man, in my mom's corolla, it will be even come on"

Me - "Uhh, I guess"

At the time I was sporting a Hyundai Elantra.

So we ended up racing up this hill that goes into a residential area. The hill goes up for a while so it seem like a good idea/location at the time (not really). The road going up to the hill is actually one lane but its big enough for two lanes so we started off side by side with plenty of room. So 3, 2, 1, take off, we both slam the gas as hard as we can as we floor our cars to the max. We start our way up, RPMs still flying high as we maneuver a little bit to the left and right but a overall straight path. As we go up a little further, I notice the lanes start actually becoming smaller and WAY more curvy than we started from the bottom of the hill. I don't know how fast I was going but I notice I'm starting to lose control of the car as the road requires me to make more slight turns to adjust to the road. At this point, I let go of the gas as I feel it's becoming too dangerous at this point. As I let go and slightly regain control as my speed is dropping I see Norbert in the corolla (who is ahead of me right now by a little bit) start losing control of the car because of the speeds his going. He swerves to the right sharply, than left, than BAM, the car goes over a divider that separates the road from people going down and up on this hill. The divider that separates the road probably is like a few feet long and looks something like this but imagine a lot of grass in the middle. The car ends up on the other road blocking it landing almost perpendicular to the road. Immediately the two front tires pop out like its a fucken hot wheel being smashed by a hammer and the axis ended up being broken when Norbert told me later.

So I have to swallow what I just saw in like 3 seconds as Norbert gets out of the car, he's freaking out going "omg, omg, I'm so dead". I'm freaking out trying to figure out what to do too as I see a car immobilized on the road. We ended up deciding to call his parents for help and he realizes his phone is at home so we drive back the road on the way we came up from, going the WRONG way. But we were freaking out, we had no time. If only I had the annoying guy on the cloud in Mario Kart who waves his fingers like Muotombo (after a block) telling me I'm going the wrong way. And yes, I had MY cellphone on me the whole time, more on that later.

So we drive back down to his house, he lived only few mins from where we raced. As we make our way back to the crash scene, we see a police SUV car trying to make a left (waiting on traffic light) onto the hill as we start going up it. We both go "shit" cause at this point we know were fucked up the ass. I drive a little fast to get there quick, and as we see the corolla, there is TWO cop cars there already and like 3 officers. One was on the road and he saw me going fast so he starts yelling "slow down" and tells me to pull over. He asks why I'm going so fast than he realizes something and asks if that's his car. Norbert says yes, and he tells us to both get out of ours cars and sit on the curb. At this point I wanna kill my self cause I know we are so fucked.

Cop #1 - "I know you guys were racing, we can see the tire marks on the road. You do realize this is a ONE lane road right?"

Us - "yes"

Cop #1 - "Why would you abandon your car, that's hit and run. You guys broke so many rules right now, I can have both your licenses suspended."

He than looks at me and tells me where my license is. I get up to get it in the car and he goes
Cop #1 - "why are you getting up, I didn't tell you to get up".

Me - "you asked for my license"

Cop #1 - "i asked you where it is"

Me - "it's in the car" and I make my way towards the car again...

Cop #1 - "when did I tell you to get up again"

At this point, I'm thinking why is this guy such a douche and sit back down. Than he finally tells me to get it and I show it to him. He than asks for my Dad's number and asks what time he gets off work. I don't know what time he gets off cause it varies on how many patients he sees or w/e (he's a dentist). So I tell him I don't know and he starts this shit again about how I don't know when my dad gets off and blah blah. I tell him it varies on how many patients he has. I give him my dad's number and I'm starting to get pissed at this point. It doesn't sound so bad right now, but if you were there, his tone and everything was just, basically he was a dick. I guess he had a right to be, I'm sure dumb ass kids like us crashing cars for racing was more common these days or something. Of course now we have to explain why we went back to his house to get his cell phone. We tell him we needed it to call his parents for help. Than he turns and asks if I have one, of course I answer yes and hes like "why would you just not use his than?!?!?" Yea, that was a bad one our part. So me and Norbert are feeling like shit still, and than he gets a ring on his phone, it's his friend and he answers, he starts telling what happened (CAUSE THIS IS REALLY THE BEST TIME TO TELL). Anyways, of course Douche Cop sees this and asks if its his parents, and he goes "no, my friend". Of course he gives us another ear full about how were dumb asses. So we're feeling even worse now and than Cop #2 starts talking to me while Norbert is talking to his parents on his cell phone.

Cop #2 - "So is this Hyundai fast? You guys had a close race from the tire marks"

Me - "Uhhhh, not really"

WTF???? That cop actually was pretty funny and he was laughing too as he was making jokes with me. He actually lightened the mood and I was grateful for that. So Cop #1 comes back and talks to both of us...

Cop #1 - "OK Norbert, I can give you a lot of shit but I'm gonna let you off with just one ticket. Eddie, I'm gonna call your dad some time this week and talk to him about what happened here, but I'm actually just gonna let you go this time"'

Yea, I'm sure some how he could of given me 3 tickets easily but I got off with nothing (man I started sacking early). So tow truck comes to take care of the corolla that got knocked out and I eventually go home where I await my dad's wrath. What was even more weird, I thought for sure he was gonna beat me with a golf club or something. When the time finally came, he actually just showed me a article in the Korean Times (Korean Newspaper based in LA) about street racing becoming quite popular in LA. It said how its very dangerous and some kid died couple weeks ago in a accident or something. He just lecture me on safety and told me to be very careful. He literally only talked to me for like 5 mins and just went away. So I just sacked extra hard and got away with nothing. Yea, I don't even know how that is possible. Norbert obviously had to deal with his ticket and got in trouble at home. But he actually started driving his car to school again only like 2 weeks after the accident. Funny cause he claimed he can't drive till 18 or something the next day. So this was my story about street racing and hopefully I never have another one again....... GG

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