Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pre-release + Initial Thoughts

So, Scars of Mirrodin has finally arrived and everyone loves a new draft format. RoE was definitely a awesome set and it will be missed but it is time to move on. Mainly because I dominated the format and was not King, but EMPEROR of RoE. Thats right bitches, fools better recognize.

So I crashed at Sean's pad and woke up around 7:40 am or so. Cho and Navied showed up shortly afterwards and we were on our way out to win us some packs (something Bryan can't do). Of course we had to get our usual pre-release breakfast, so we stopped at Del so we can have energy to stomp some noobs. We decided to go to the pre-release in Raddison @ LAX. Cho was only going to draft so Navied and Sean went in the 1st wave while I waited for Tuan's ass so we can get in a different wave. Tuan took a little while cause he was pretty drunk the night before. Can you believe Tuan, he tried to use hangover as a excuse for not winning packs - no class but what do I expect from a Viet. Anywayz, Sean had a decent sealed highlight being the red dragon while Navied's was definitely worse. Sean ended up 3-0-1 to win 6 packs while Navied ended up 3-1 to win 3 packs .

I opened a very aggressive R/W deck with the highlights being Embersmith x2 / Myrsmith / Precursor Golem / True Conviction (BOMB) / and like 5 removal spells. I don't know why they do this but, 4-0 gets 12 packs / 3-0-1 gets 6 packs / 3-1 gets 3. So you get more packs if you just play it out than split. So we agree to split 7-7 and play for the final pack. My opponent was some cocky ass foo who thought he was hawt shit. He was not impressive at all and was a dick by saying "I shouldn't of split after he beat me" - faggot. He also try to act like hes hawt shit by telling me about MODO (magic online) and how he never splits 8-4 and shit. He didn't even know there was a split button on MODO just a few years back. Seriously, he had the most ridiculous sealed and that was the only reason why he was x-0. I did play like shit that round though lol.

Tuan opened a amazing B/W deck with solid creatures and removal + myr battlesphere. I think he had like Skinrender x2 also. He ended up 3-1 and lost in the earlier rounds to the guy I lost in the finals. Funny thing is, we got our justice at the judge's table. So they were handing out prizes, and the judge told the judge handing out packs the WRONG prize layout. So 3-0-1 and 3-1 got THREE extra packs lolololol. So the 4-0 faggot got 12 and gave me 4 packs, and I got 6 from the judge's table bring my total to 10. Tuan also got 6 packs. GG no re son. As I got my product and was walking out, Sean in a low voice was like "hey, did you get extra packs" in FRONT of the 4-0 FAGGOT who was getting water near by lolololool. I was trying to hold it in as I waved some random "lets GTFO" hand signal. So we had well over a draft set for a 8 man and brought all them packs (MONEY!!!) back to Sean's so we can draft Sunday.

So we got back to Irvine, headed to Stonefire Grill (BOMB- 1st pick) where we FEASTED like Kings. We had just earned (sort of) 30 packs and we thought we deserved a good dinner. Everyone ordered a bunch of food and Sean got pasta for everyone also. We stuffed our selves until we couldn't eat that night (victory feels real nice). We kind of agreed that it was good Bryan didn't come, cause it would have been a awkward dinner with him. He never wins packs and it would of been a real sad dinner for him(happy birthday though).

We drafted 3 times now, and the set is kind of complex. I just feel like there is a lot more decisions in drafting than the last few sets. I might be exaggerating in the difficulty because it is still real early into the format. I also feel there are a lot more decisions in my games than before. Everyone is making a ton of mistakes lately. I am not a fan of infect so far. I think the deck can be done but it requires like only 2 people in a 8 man pod for it too work. Otherwise, the infect shit is spread too thin and all the infect decks look like a pile of shit. White is my favorite color as it has aggressive cheap flyers such as Glint Hawk and the Idol as well as Arrest. It's hard for me to gauge colors and stuff right now cause it's still too early.

I'll end this with Bryan's wife.... Nicole from KARA

(Wow Bryan, she is 16.... Pedo Bear much? JK, she's 19 I think...)

(Awww, so cute)

(The young "grown up" look)


  1. I don't know Bryan, not sure she'd be down for a threesome...

  2. dude, she's got 4 other band members... Bryan's thinking even bigger numbers lol

  3. bryans moving on up!!!! hit them numbers baby!

  4. Not sure if he can handle her sideboard, too much metagame.


  6. I was inspired by the Director.
